Please, click on the icons to download the resources. Software  AGORA 6.3 (Released on 2013/12/05)   A new version, easier to use, is now available (by clicking on the icon)  AGORA 6.2 (Released on 2012/06/25)   - A video to learn a few things about Agora
- Tutorial 1: First steps with AGORAÂ (the PDF file onlyÂ
) - Tutorials AGORA 6 (French only) :Â
 Part 1 (Released on 2012/06/26)                             Part 2 (Released on 2012/07/06) - Agora scenario databases
 RETRO 2012 - v2.5.1 - Executable (Released on 2013/11/25)    New!  - TestData are available for start with the software:
 AgoraTestData: image subset, basic Agora projects and scenarios  RETRO 2012 - v2.3 - TestData (Released on 2012/12/11)
   Web platform
- This plateform can be used on a multi-touch table => see video.  New!
Datasets (built with Paradiit tools) - Typographic font packages (Check Licence):
 The 'Gering' Pica-Roman [R80] or Cicéro (1478) (cf. [Vervliet2010] N°55)
 Garamont's Great Primer Roman [R118] or Gros-romain (1549) (cf. [Vervliet2010] N°119)  Vérard Gothic Bâtarde Great Primer Roman
- New datasets will be available soon...Â
- Batyr dataset
- Examples of letterform clusters : Not available yet
- Examples of Alto files : Not available yet
- BVH web site
Jean-Yves Ramel, Support de cours 2016-2017 Unité d'enseignement Humanités Numériques. Master 2 PEEN du CESR de Tours
Jean-Yves Ramel, Frederic Rayar, Nicolas Sidere. Interactive layout analysis, content extraction and transcription of historical printed books using Pattern Redundancy Analysis,  Literary and Linguistic Computing. The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. 2013. Oxford Journal.
  Partha Roy, Frederic Rayar and Jean Yves Ramel, An efficient coarse-to-fine indexing technique for fast text retrieval in historical documents.Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2012): Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. March 27-29, 2012.
  Partha Roy, Jean-Yves Ramel and Nicolas Ragot. Word Retrieval in Historical Document using Character-Primitives. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011): Beijing, China. September 18-21, 2011.
 Jean-Yves Ramel, Nicolas Sidere. Interactive indexation and transcription of historical printed books. Digital Humanities 2011 (DH2011): June 19-22, Stanford University (USA). (Poster )
[Vervliet2010] "French Renaissance Printing Types: A Conspectus". Vervliet, Hendrik D.L. 2010. |