PaRADIIT is a project conducted at the Computer Science Lab. of Tours (LI Tours) France corresponding to two successive GOOGLE Digital Humanities Award obtained in december 2010 and december 2011. Jean-Yves RAMEL Heorganizes and participates as much as possible to all the work-packages. He collaboratesmainly with Pascal to improve Agora software (WP1) and with Frédéric to definethe final functionalities of Retro (WP2). Contact: jean-yves.ramel@univ-tours.frFrédéric RAYAR ![]() He is working on the conception and development of the new version of RETRO dealing with incremental transcription of text and Early Modern typography exploration using redundancy analysis in images (WP2). Sabine Barrat ![]() She works on redundancy analysis in document images by proposing new clustering techniques (WP3). Pascal BOURQUIN ![]() He is working on the modeling and development of the new version of AGORA dealing with user-driven layout analysis and incremental content extraction (WP1). ![]() He works on redundancy analysis into document images by proposing new clustering techniques usable even in case of mass digitization (WP3). Contact: Nicolas RAGOT ![]() He works on proposing new OCR methods that could be plugged in Retro software to automatically recognize the obtained clusters (WP2). Contact: Partha Patrim ROY ![]() PostDoc He works on content spotting in old document images by using information about redundancy. The key target is to define and extract new saillant features from images to achieve a robust spotting (WP2). Contact: Nicolas SIDERE  PhD student He works on graph based method for content spotting in old document images. Contact: Marie-Luce Demonet, CESR Professor, Leader of BVH project, As a specialist in history of literature, she will work on Text Encoding formats, meta-data definition, and other specific needs of scholars in order to design useful tools during the project (Agora and Retro). Rémi Jimenez, CESR PhD student As a specialist in history of literature, he will work with us on Early Modern font and typography characterisation using tools designed during the project (Retro). Toshinori Uetani, CESR Research Engineer As a specialist in history of literature, he will work with us on Early Modern font and typography characterisation using tools designed during the project (Retro). .