SILA 3D is a 3D medical image analysis framework developped based on the PhD work of Gatean Galisot (see Publications).
- SILA 3D allows to learn local anatomical models (atlas) to represent differents organs (brains, hearts,...) starting from few labeled 3D images (MRI,, Scanner, ...)
- SILA 3D allows to use these local anatomical models to realize fast and efficient interactive segmentations of 3D images containing similar anatomical structures
- SILA 3D allows to incementally improve the anatomical models along time
- It becomes thenpossible to enrich a personal or shared catalog of various anatomical models
- SILA 3D allows fast partial segmentations of various unusial anatomical structures (on animals, children, specific diseases, ...)
Download SILA 3D
- Download SILA 3D: ZIP for Windows (last prod version) - installer for Windows - for Linux
(install instructions - you will need an account to use SILA3D - please send your request to
- A tentative of transfer to industry is currently in progress
- Help us to organize this transfer and get a free access to SILA 3D
You can look to the following videos to learn more about SILA3D :
- Image segmentation with SILA3D
- Uploading images on SILA3D
- Creating and updating an anatomical model with SILA3D

This work has been initiated during NeuroGeo project
by the
"Région Centre Val de Loire" from 2015 to 2018. NeuroGeo project
strong collaboration between researchers in computer science (RFAI/LIFAT)
and Neuro-Biologists (UMR PRC-INRA Nouzilly).
Below are some available results from NeuroGeo project and GG PhD
3DBrainSeg was an intial prototype of SILA3D procuded during Gatean's PhD.
- Video tutorial
- VMWare virutal machine with 3DBrainSeg (for a privacy use only!!!)
- Documentation
- Questionnaire a remplir apres utilisation
3DBrainMiner and 3DBrainView
Actual research on using graph representations in neuroscience
- A depreacated prototype of web site to visualize the segmentation results provided by NeuroBrainSeg
A global overview of NeuroGeo Project

Computer Science Laboratory of Tours (LIFAT).
Université de Tours.
64 av. Jean Portalis 37200 Tours city, France.
Email: sila3D at univ-tours dot fr