linked to SILA 3D :
G. Gaëtan Galisot, Jean-Yves Ramel, Thierry Brouard, Elodie Chaillou, Barthélémy Serres, Visual and structural feature combination in an interactive machine learning system for medical image segmentation, Machine Learning with Applications, Volume 8, 2022.
- Evaluation of algorithms for Multi-Modality Whole Heart Segmentation: An open-access grand challenge. Medical Image Anal. 58 (2019)
- Gaetan Galisot, Thierry Brouard, Jean-Yves Ramel, Elodie Chaillou:
A Comparative Study on Voxel Classification Methods for Atlas based Segmentation of Brain Structures from 3D MRI Images. VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP) 2019: 341-350 - G. Galisot, T.
Brouard et J.-Y. Ramel. E. Chaillou. Image segmentation using local
probabilistic atlases coupled with
topological information. 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications.VISAPP 2017. - G. Galisot, T. Brouard, JY Ramel: Local Probabilistic Atlases and a Posteriori Correction for the Segmentation of Heart Images. STACOM@MICCAI 2017: 207-214
G. Galisot, T. Brouard et J.-Y. Ramel. Apprentissage et exploitation d'un graphe topologique d'atlas probabilistes locaux pour la segmentation d'images IRM. 20e Congrès RFIA, Clermont-ferrand. 2016.
RFAI team
Computer Science Laboratory of Tours (LIFAT).
Université François Rabelais de Tours.
64 av. Jean Portalis 37200 Tours city, France.
Email: lifat at univ-tours dot fr